KEEP2Kenya – Team Spirit @ Wooster

KEEP connected, KEEP fit +
KEEP girls in school!

WHO: We’re hoping you’ll join the KEEP 2 Kenya Challenge as part of Team Spirit @ Wooster.

KEEP is a 501c3 organization that helps keep girls in school. One of the founders was a Wooster mom. You can learn more by looking around this website, but please come back to this page to join Team Spirit @ Wooster. (If you end up on the general sign up, just enter our team name: Team Spirit @ Wooster)

More questions? Email us at

WHAT: Together, everyone participating will trek a total of 7,624 miles! – the distance from Katonah, NY, to the Kakenya Center for Excellence in Kenya. Each participant can walk, hike, or run to contribute their own mileage toward this communal goal.

START DATE: Sign up today. And get your sneakers ready! The KEEP 2 Kenya Challenge will kick off on the International Day of the Girl on October 11th.

DURATION: We’ll finish 6 weeks later on November 22nd.

WHY: To raise money for girls’ education. Educating at-risk girls is one of the most powerful ways to fight economic and social inequality. And we’ll get some exercise too!  

HOW: Sign up as an individual or grab some friends and register as a team. Choose your own mileage goal and log your miles each week on our KEEP2Kenya Challenge mileage page. Don’t forget to write Team Spirit @ Wooster as the team name.

Be sure to post on Instagram to share your progress and tell more people about our event! #KEEP2Kenya

DONATION: $50 per person.

As always, 100% of your fully tax-deductible donation supports tuition for the girls in the eighth-grade class at the Kakenya Center for Excellence. The KEEP Board of Directors pays all expenses for the organization.

Boost your impact: Raise additional funds by asking others to support your trek. Adding boosters to your profile puts you in the running (pun intended) for winning prizes! 

THE FINISH LINE: When we collectively reach the Kakenya Center for Excellence, all participants will receive a KEEP 2 Kenya Challenge T-Shirt to commemorate this tremendous accomplishment!

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead