Tennis Fundraiser is a Smashing Success!

Game on! Local women enoyed spirited doubles play for a good cause at the first annual KEEP Invitational. The event was held at the Saw Mill Club in Mount Kisco, NY, last Sunday afternoon, July 23. Donations and raffle tickets raised $850. The funds will more than cover a year’s tuition for two girls in the seventh grade at the Kakenya Center for Excellence.

KEEP Invitational
Saw Mill Club tennis pro Richard Finn with KEEP co-founders (left to right) Cynthia Braun, Elena Rover, Celeste Crosby and Elizabeth McGoldrick

The fun and successful fundraiser was made possible by the enthusiasm and generosity of many people. KEEP appreciates everyone involved: the players, the Saw Mill Club for donating use of the courts, and Saw Mill tennis pro Richard Finn who inspired and directed the event.

KEEP Invitational Scoring
Saw Mill Club tennis pro Richard Finn tallies scores with KEEP co-founder Elizabeth McGoldrick

Five players won fabulous raffle prizes from these generous donors:

KEEP Invitational raffle winners
The raffle winners show off their prizes

The festive afternoon was capped off by Wimbeldon-themed refreshments of Pimm’s Cup and tea sandwiches as well as prizes celebrating top players and humorous achievements.

KEEP Invitational

KEEP is planning to organize a paddle tennis event this winter and hold the second KEEP Invitational in the spring.